Thank you for your interest in giving to our Send A Kid To Camp Fund.
Attending summer camp with all of its challenges, experiences and skill-based learning has a positive impact on children’s development. Children who attend camp develop social skills, grow emotionally, become more self-confident, gain physical skills and learn more about their environment. Children make friendships that can turn into lasting relationships. They can develop leadership skills and learn to work together as a group. They have an opportunity to try new things that they would not access at school. With the support of generous donors and now additionally with the proceeds of the Dream Ball, the Club can guarantee that no child will ever be denied access to summer camp due to financial difficulties.
Your donation to our Summer Camp program will help with the operational costs of running summer camps. Your donation allows us to keep program costs low and makes camp affordable for families.
Additionally, you can help to make this summer the happiest experience for children at our camps and for children in the wider community through a donation to our TURN ON THE TAPS TO TURN UP THE SMILES campaign. We want to offer the SPLASH PAD to summer camp kids and on weekends to the community. You can find out more here.
We know you care about the kids in this community, especially the ones that are dealing with hardships. Summer memories of camp and playing in our Splash Pad will last a lifetime!