BGC Canada has a positive life changing impact on children, youth and families. The Models for Success outcomes measurement model enables Clubs to increase the quality and value of programs for children, youth and families and have the evidence to demonstrate this impact. BGC Kawarthas has made positive life-changing impact on children, youth and families through supportive programs, community initiatives, and financial assistance.
Our programs keep children safe when parents are at work; keep youth off the street and teach them leadership skills; provide youth counselling and support to families; keep young people active and physically fit; and give them access to caring adults that can model positive values and guide them toward good decisions. These programs are even more critical for families facing financial challenges.
2022-2023 Learning & Impact
Program Quality Assurance
The Club uses evaluation tools to collect information such as surveys, focus groups. Evaluations offer feedback from the lens of children, youth, families, partners etc. and assist with the development of improvement strategies.
The Club strives to incorporate the Model For Success into training and the evaluation process to promote impacts and outcomes achieved.
Model For Success
This model is developed by BGC Canada as a guide for BGC Clubs across Canada to follow and assure high-quality programs. The model has Short, Mid, and Adult outcomes. it highlights the common features and core programming areas offered by Clubs, and the positive outcomes for children and youth that are achieved through them. Elements are grounded by the latest research in child & youth development, and Club Core Values.